Wednesday, November 25, 2015


                  2 months
              12lbs 3oz 40% weight
               21.5in 2% height
               39.4cm 50% head circ 
               98% weight/length
This little guy has been doing a ton of growing this month.  He has been a great baby doing all the things a great baby should.  He loves to eat and sleep!  He is starting to play more.  He talks to the mobile animals on his swing and he loves batting at his butterfly toy.
He is starting to stay awake for longer periods and is starting to interact a little bit, I have just started getting some sweet little coos and a few darling smiles from him.  He will still cuddle with me while he naps during the day but he is getting used to sleeping in his pack n play and is starting to get into a pretty regular sleep pattern at night, he likes to go down about 8:30-9:00 then he wakes up sometime between 3:00-4:00am for a little food/diaper change then it's back to sleep until about 6:30-7:00. 
 The girls are loving getting to help me take care of him.  They are both really into taking care of their dolls because they watch me take care of him all day. It is also really hard at times because their idea of helping is very different from mine and isn't always safe. I have caught Eliza trying to pick him up by his ankles, poking him in the eyes, and playing his belly like a bongo drum.  Mila's idea of snuggling him looks a little bit more like steam rolling him to me.  It can be so exhausting trying to take care of him and keep the girls taken care of and away from him at the same time.  I guess we are all learning our new roles in this family of 5 (I'm sure glad babies are resilient).
The girls practicing being "soft" they really love him so so much!
He smiles sometimes but is a pretty serious baby most of the time.
Mini Frankenstein costume for his first Halloween!
Hey little buddy! Just starting to sit in the bumbo a few minutes at a time, it's still hard work holding his head up for too long.
Here he is with his older wiser girlfriend Shiloh Heward (she is about 4months older)
Here he is playing catch up with his cousin Jordyn (about 2 months older) now it's no question where they get those cheeks! So cute! 
I just love watching these 3 kiddos grow every day! 

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