Sunday, October 25, 2015


Just like that our little Spencer is 1 month old! He has been a really good baby (so far!) he eats and sleeps and pees and poops like a champ (he has only peed on me twice so far I consider that a success).

The girls absolutely adore him, they have to know where he is and what he's doing all the time and they love introducing him to new people! One of my daily challenges is keeping them from smothering him to death (out of love of course!) I love just watching them adore him! 

He wakes up every 3 hours to eat usually  but will sometimes sleep 4-5 hours at a time if I can get his tummy full enough! He is great at nursing. He is such a cuddler I just can't get enough and hope he never outgrows these newborn cuddles. I love watching him and our family grow! This has been a fun month! 

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