Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Verdict Is In

After 3 weeks of waiting, we finally have received word of the exact diagnosis. Mila tested positive for Osteogenesis Imperfecta type IV.

OI type IV is the moderate form of OI. The most mild form is type I and the most severe type, with infant survival, is type III. (Type II is the most severe which unfortunately the baby usually doesn't survive for more than a few days.)

The internet gives us a whole list of things to expect, how to care for her, what she won't be able to do, all the future complications, etc. Somewhat helpful but mostly depressing. We don't like all that sad stuff about life, so let's focus more on the positive.

So what's the positive side of OI? Well I get a perfect excuse for being overprotective of my little girl, we already have learned a lot about a new aspect of this world, we have made friends with other people across the United States who also have OI, Mila gets special attention, our perspective on life will shift a little with more emphasis on whats really important, Mila will have a permanent excuse for getting out of almost anything if she wants to, Mila will be really smart and her personality will be teeming with spunk (common for people with OI), Mila is our delicate little darling.

There will be times ahead that will be difficult but the best way to deal with this disorder is by merely treating those issues as they come. It is useless for us to worry now over things that may or may not happen. Right now Mila is happy and doesn't have a single fracture. We love her so much and don't have room in our hearts to invite grief or torment.

That doesn't mean we will deny the fact that she requires special care. We understand the importance of handling her delicately. When she presents a fracture we will care for her as best as we can. But for right now, Mila is doing really great and if we pass every present moment thinking about an unpredictable future, then we are doing nothing more than cheating ourselves out of the joy from having a beautiful daughter and trading it in for stress and worry over future events that won't even be nearly as bad as our imaginations can construct.

The present is the only moment in which we are capable of living. Our present is amazingly enriched with a wonderful daughter, fantastic family and the best friends.


  1. Mom called me yesterday, I'm relieved that it's type 4 instead of 3. Mila is clearly destined to be a strong person. This disorder will only be a trivial part of what makes her who she is. I can't wait to learn more about what she enjoys and see who she becomes. She's a sweetheart, I'm excited to see her again in about a week.

  2. She absolutely is a sweetheart and we are so blessed to have her in our family!

  3. Thank you for the update! She is so precious and so fortunate to have such loving parents, family and friends. I love your attitude and perspective. We all need to live in the present and enjoy the gift of life!

  4. Jeff, you express yourself so well..with the positive attitude of her parents, Mila is truly blessed...as well as truly precious.

  5. Jeff, you express yourself so well..with the positive attitude of her parents, Mila is truly blessed...as well as truly precious.

  6. Wow, you'd think my kids designed that scale for severity of OI. "Let's see, type 1 will be the least, type 2 the worst, type 3, um. . . lets make it pretty bad, type 4 . . . what's left, how about sort of bad." On a more serious note, you'll always have an excuse for babying your little sweetheart and sitting on the porch with a gun when she goes out of a date.
