Monday, June 18, 2012

Homeward Bound

Today has been a busy day. We met with the geneticist, Mila did all sorts of tests, had blood drawn multiple times, and finally we were all able to get to go home!!

Our time in NICU was helpful and the staff were all so friendly. The geneticist, Dr. Gowans, shared with us a lot of encouraging information. Mila's official test results will be available within two weeks and then we will know exactly what type of OI she has.

Dr. Gowans said that she probably won't break many bones during infancy as long as her parents are careful. She will probably have most of her fractures during toddler stages and young childhood as she learns to crawl, walk, run, play and just live life.

The good news was that usually once people with OI hit puberty all the new hormones strengthen their bones and she won't see a lot of fractures up through adulthood. (We'll just have a whole new set of issues to deal with during puberty.... but let's not get ahead of ourselves.)

Leaving the hospital felt great. Today is the same day we originally planned on coming home, but it feels so much longer. We had this unexpected diagnosis and were at a different hospital.

I don't know who was most excited about coming home. Mom is still recovering from surgery and hasn't slept much; Dad mostly just sat around watching Tiger Woods play horrible and the Thunder lose; Baby Mila has been poked, prodded, examined, woken up at all hours for assessments, been told she has this bone thingy, seen nothing but new face after new face (not sure which one mom is yet), and covered in tubes and wires.

I think Mila is happiest to finally come home.

Yup. She slept almost the whole way home. I can't tell you how terrifying it is to drive with a brand new baby sitting shotgun.... just kidding she was safely buckled in the back with Jen of course, but still scary.

Once we got home Mila was able to meet some of her super nice neighbors and then just passed out in her aunt Kat's arms.

Welcome home, Mila. Welcome home.


  1. So glad you all finally get to come home. You all are in my prayers :) she is beautiful!!!

  2. Congrats on coming home and on the beautiful baby girl. You are in our prayers as well. - Em Gray (Your cousin, 'cause I bet you don't remember my married name.)

  3. I am SO happy you were all able to go home together! She is so cute.

  4. Yaaay for coming home! She is obviously already not letting anything hold her back in life - watch out world!!!

  5. Congrats you guys. I'm sad you'll be heading out to Utah and not staying here in Zion, but Oh well. Have a fun trip and enjoy your little one.
