Monday, April 15, 2013


Ten months and going strong.
And Mila is starting to ask questions about what this life is all about...

Why are my eyes blue?

What exactly is the Theory of Relativity?

Is Nikita's mouth really cleaner than mine?

If I was in China, would I be right-side up?

Will these teeth really make me money after they fall out?

What does earwax taste like?

Well, World, you are a curious place indeed. So many questions yet I'm starting to think I'll never find the answers. My parents never let me browse the city library by myself, every time I try to use the computer they take it away from me, and all the books they read to me involve silly animals who are often engaged in meaningless tasks that rhyme; like that will ever answer my questions. 

I'm ten months old now, practically walking and ready to explore and learn. If I don't hurry up and find some answers then how will I be able to teach my little sister who will be here before I know it? I guess I'll just have to keep trying to get out the front door when mom and dad aren't looking...